BCLC – Lottomax
Another 2018 project carried out within my time at TBM. A Vancouver client came to us with the idea of creating a set of dynamic rich media animated ads. Coordinating the complex lottomax json feeds and incorporating them across all the various Canadian lottomax markets was no mean feat.
These ads were capable of showing a single specified jackpot amount and had the ability to automatically shift to show the max millions number if it had been activated that week.
To add to this complexity the ads had to show different information, legals & logos depending on which province they were being viewed in.
The ads came designed by the client, my roll was to find a way to incorporate supplied video into HTML5 animation all while project managing with the client, developers, ad servers and liaising with lottomax to ensure the json feed was compatible with the builds.
These ran for a really long time which is testament to how robust the build was and how great they looked.